Art Residency

samburu reserve - kenya

Reteti Elephant Sanctuary is a Samburu community owned, and run wildlife sanctuary in North Kenya.

Reteti rescues orphaned and abandoned elephants calves that have lost their mothers from a variety of reasons suck as droughts, poaching, habitat loss …

They rescue, rehabilitate and release.

gate and rangers with wall painting
kenya map

Romaround Wall Art

During a one month artist in residence Vicki made a cultural exchange. 

During this month she was able to learn about Samburu Culture and traditions.

Capturing what she learnt, she helped visually to tell the story of the Milk Mammas by painting these murals to install inside the Milk station for the visitors to see.

She painted a portrait of Rangers showing their deep respect and connection to the Elephants that they are safeguarding. This was installed in the Rangers station.

She also painted the entrance gate into Reteti elephant Sanctuary.

La Zipolita illustrations

longuro story

La Zipolita, alias Laura created illustrations for children’s storybooks, telling the story of a special baby elephant they rescued in 2020 named Longuro.

Longuro is a baby elephant who fell into a well during a drought. His family has to left him there to survive. He tried to escape, but some hyenas injured his trunk during the attempt.

The Reteti rescue team saved him and brought him to the sanctuary, where he was cared for lovingly by the keepers. Unfortunately, his family could not be located, and he needed urgent treatment.

Longuro learned how to use his tiny trunk differently from other elephants, which made him incredibly smart and powerful.

Soon, he will be released back into the wild.

Longuro derserves to have his story told.

read his story


Samburu jewelry guide

Laura made some researches talking with the Samburu tribe, well known for they colorful beads, about the traditions and stories of their jewelry.

She illustrated in a small guide book, the meaning of their beautiful ornements.

Safari guide book for children

Laura also realized safari guides books for children to teach them about the nature around them in the       Sarara Camp.

Reteti Elephant Sanctuary in Kenya